Social Media Marketing | Modern consumer engagment tools

These days, almost everyone know's what social media is. Everyone from the sophisticated CEO to the sweet grandma uses facebook to share their memories and thoughts. For businesses though, social media can be an awesome weapon in their marketing mix arsenal to engage consumers, gain exposure, and provide support to their customers.

Social media marketing (SMM) is the process of leveraging these tools to get more exposure and mind share for your business. That's not the only reason why this is important. Search engine's are now using social signals to boost sites higher in their rankings. This means that high social engagment is now an effective tool to drive more traffic to your business. Let's meet the contenders for your SMM attention.

The usual suspects

Facbook | The big kahuna

Everyone is on facebook and everyone know's how to use it. Facebook is great for making announcements, driving general interest, and creating a community around your business and products.

Twitter | Viral, instant social bonds

If Facebook is for creating a timeline, Twitter is all about living in the moment. From customer support, to contests, Twitter is an indespensable tool for connecting with today's consumer.

Instagram | Paint a perfect picture

The allure of Instagram is visual. For a cosmetics company, or a product person, this is a great social outlet. If you are in the copyright business maybe not so much. If you provide products that have a wow factor to them, this is a great way to build a following around them.


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